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Rebecca has such a fantastic eye for books! Her reviews are always fun, full of energy – and utterly unique! She is known for writing these GUSHING Emoji Reviews for books – and a few others sprinkled in that she thinks readers will enjoy! She posts them all over social media and in Amazon/Goodreads! Her word is golden – if she loves your book, chances are our group members will go gaga over them too! She’s actually had authors reach out & send her sales charts from Amazon that correlate to when the Emoji Reviews were posted 🤯. We’ve complied them all here for you! Check them out, especially if you are on the hunt for your next read – you will not be disappointed!

I’m a firm believer in spreading love on books & authors 💜. When I LOVE a book, I get excited to tell other readers about it so they can hopefully 🤞🏻, have the same amazing experience too! I never thought my little Emoji Reviews would take off like they have – but I am so glad to see they are helping these amazing authors. I truly believe authors are a gift to us; they provide a way to escape the stresses of our daily lives and explore new worlds & characters. Not every book is for everyone, and just because I love something doesn’t mean someone else will. Because of that, I never write negative reviews, as I would never want to stop someone from trying their next favorite read or an author from receiving their next mega fan. So if a book is not my cuppa tea, I just don’t review it. It’s that simple. It’s imperative that I stay true to my heart because I believe credibility is so key; therefore, I only write gushing reviews on books I love. All of my Emoji Reviews are book that I genuinely enjoyed… and I hope you will too! ~Rebecca Dixon”

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