Dangerous Honor (Dragon Royals Book 2) by May Dawson

Emoji Review by Rebecca Dixon

I just finished ‘Dangerous Honor,’ Book 2 of Dragon Royals series by May Dawson… and NOPE 😳, didn’t get much sleep last night because I could NOT put it down! 😅😅😅

OK! For anyone who has been following my ‘emoji’ reviews… ya’ll know… I AM A HUGE FORBIDDEN HONOR FAN! 🙌🏻 Like seriously, this was one of my VERY favorite reads of the year! So I went absolutely nuts when Dangerous Honor (Book 2) was released a few days ago! I was in the middle of reading another super highly anticipated book and I almost dropped it halfway through (even though it was also AMAZING 🤩) just to pop over to this one 😂! THAT is how much I wanted to read this book! 👏🏻😁😆

And oh boy 👏🏻! I can just tell you…. this book started off RIGHT where the last one left off! 🥳 I even spent like a day re-reading the last book in prep for this one (I NEVER do that anymore folks… my 😈 TBR list is too lonnnng and it would like NEVER forgive me! 😆) And much to my relief & surprise… Book 2 starts off JUST as if we turned the page and started the next chapter! 🙌🏻 So good 👏🏻! NO TIME LAPSE! 🥳🥳🥳 Right in the moment! 👊🏻 Perfection 👌🏻! And oh my gosh… as soon as it started it, I was messaging my girlfriend, commenting on posts, & posting posts about this book! I was immediately sucked into the action at the beginning and the amazing protectiveness 💪🏻 of these guys 🔥! I am such a SUCKER for all of that male macho ‘I’ll burn 🔥 down the world for you and carry you anywhere…any distance… and destroy anyone in my path 👊🏻💪🏻👊🏻’ vibe and although no, that isn’t a spoiler 😆 … I totally felt that vibe! I just loved the DRAMA 🎭 in the opening scenes so much! It was like yesssssssssss 👏🏻… sooo good! LOVED IT 💜💜!

Overall this book sort of surprised the heck out of me 😅! I totally did not expect so many different POVs 😲! They were SO GREAT 🤩! It was really awesome to get into the minds 🧠 of characters we really didn’t know much about from the first book! And what was super nice about the POVs is each would carry on the story where the other POV left off, but just with another person. So I could just keep page turning away! 🙌🏻 And for the fellas 🥵 , it wasn’t the typical male POV of being obsessed with a chick! 😆 Nope! It was more of an enemy perspective and I really loved 🥰 it because we know with this trope (enemies-to-lovers)… MMCs will eventually do a 180 📐 at some point and I AM HERE 🙋🏻‍♀️ for that DRAMA from that eventual flip (GROVELING, PLEASE MAY DAWSON! PLEASE LOTS & LOTS OF FUTURE GROVELING 😂😂😂!) All of the POVs really enhanced the story with more layers and I totally did not expect that! 🤩🤩🤩

We also got introduced to some new characters that I really didn’t expect 😲! And dare I say… more romantic 💘 interests?! 😲😲😲 I don’t know for sure, but HOT 🔥 DANG! I definitely have my eyes peeled 👀 for one guy that always follows who he thinks is right! OH MY GOSH and one NEW character…. I am SO EXCITED 🤩 to learn more! Like I don’t know if he’s going to factor in as one of the guys to be a love interest or capture Honor or fight everybody or be related to her or related to her guys… like really… no scooby-doo how this guy is going to factor in 😅. But MAN… I’m HOPING 🙏🏻 this guy SCOURGES… oops I mean SCORCHES 🔥 (tee hee hee 😜 ) us as a future HOTTIE 🥵! And oh! There was one new character I really didn’t expect to meet (if ever) 😲 and it was SUPER exciting when we stumbled w/Honor upon him! Not only was I on pins & needles 🪡 of what could happen if someone found our girl talking to this fiddler, but we got some MUCH needed TRUTHS out of him 👏🏻! Yessss! And even though we get answers, we also get more mystery🔎! More questions came about and although I have my guesses on what’s going on… I don’t know for sure & I could totally see the author surprising me 🙌🏻!

And the ending! OK yes… cliffhanger 😆. True to May Dawson form, we Fall into a DOOZIE 😂. But leading up to it was pretty kicka$s 🤺! I was so happy that a certain fella’s sharp brain kicked into gear and the scene got Executed quickly and didn’t just Hang around for longer than it needed to! 😉😉😉

And great news! It’s currently #5 of Amazon’s Bestselling Paranormal Romances with 5 STAR ⭐️ ratings (so it’s not just me LOVING 💖 this series!) …annnnnd it’s FREE on KU! So give it a shot… it may just be a book that you feel HONORed 💜 to have BINGED straight through! 🙌🏻