Dead Lands (Savage Lands Book 3) by Stacey Marie Brown

Emoji Review by Rebecca Dixon

I finished reading ‘Dead Lands,’ Savage Lands Book 3, by Stacey Marie Brown… and Y’ALL 😲!! HOW is it possible for lightning ⚡️ to strike not ONCE, not TWICE, but THREE TIMES 😱!?! This series is STILL absolutely AMAZING 🤩! (FYI, I’m not affiliated with the author, not in the book biz, reading is just a HOBBY, and I’m just a regular reader that is super passionate about spreading the word on GREAT books!) There are NO spoilers 🙌🏻!

OK ✅ ! So mannnn… I just gotta say… this author KNOWS 💡 how to bring on the ACTION 🤺 & DRAMA 🎭 . This book kicks 🦵 off where the second book left off and pretty quickly, we stumble into some pretty KICKA$S action 👏🏻! I was LITERALLY msg’ing my girlfriends about the start of Book 3 and they were like… wait for it… JUST WAIT FOR IT 🙌🏻! And BOOM 💥! True to Stacey fashion, we get a nice dose of BADA$S 👊🏻 from our girl 🙌🏻! But not only that… man, this whole dynamic between our girl 💋 and our SMOKIN 🔥 HOT 🥵 MMC… is just so delicious (nom 😋 nom 😋 nom 😋.) Super yummy and supper unique the way it’s written 👏🏻! To be honest 😇, I’m super OBSESSED 😍 with the way these two communicate ☎️! Specifically, the sudden & surprising growls out of nowhere! Freaking LOVE ❤️ THAT 🙌🏻!

But this book👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! It just covers SO much ground 🥳! We get some pretty COOL 😎 pieces of the puzzle 🧩 revealed! They are like little nuggets that are sprinkled throughout the book and I was GOBBLING 🦃 them up! And let me tell you, I can’t tell you (errrg, umm so apparently I CAN tell you 😆!) … how MANY people told me they were MIND BLOWN 🤯 about this ending!! (Now pssst … I’ll tell you a secret 🤫 … I figured it out early on 😜… BUT ✋🏻! It’s still pretty EXPLOSIVE 🧨 of an ending & it just made me feel super SMART 🧠 when I was proven right 😁… which heck, I’ll take the little wins 🏆 these days!) It makes me WONDER 🤔 though… if you read it, did you solve the mystery 🔎 of the hidden treasure 🏴‍☠️ too?! And if you haven’t read it… have fun trying to figure it out 🙌🏻! Sooo COOL 🤩!!

There were SO many GREAT 🤩 things about this book… but TWO in particular I was pretty NUTS 👏🏻 about! FIRST 🥇and most obvious… the ROMANCE 💘 is FREAKING 🔥🔥🔥!!! I’m not gonna lie 🤥, I was PISSED 😡 at a certain point in this book, but I just had FAITH in the goddess 💃 that is Stacey … and praise the book gods… I survived 😂😂😂! But man, I was MAD 🤬 there for a HOT minute ⏰ (which I secretly 🤐 LOVED because I eat that crap up! 🤣🤣🤣) And the SECOND 🥈… GUYSSSSSSSS…. I am totally CRAY-CRAY 🤪 over TWO characters that I QUOTE… ONE is less than 1 foot tall and the OTHER is 4 inches tall 🥰🥰🥰! I’m so crazy about these two in this book, that I actually went back to the FIRST book & re-read their descriptions so I could EXACTLY 👌🏻 see 👀 them in my head when they HILARIOUSLY 😂 pop up in this book! These guys (& gal?) are SO funny 😅 and they have totally stolen my heart ❤️ !!! (Brex… cover your nose 👃🏻 & ears 👂 girl!!! 🤣🤣🤣)

And if you haven’t read my emoji review of Savage Lands Book 1 & Book 2, make sure to check it out if this hasn’t convinced you to give the series a shot! Again, just a regular reader…. but if you go to TOPICS & click on #rebeccaemojireview you will find it! This series is SERIOUSLY & QUICKLY 🏃🏻‍♀️ becoming one of my allllll time FAVS…and it’s DEFINITELY a contender for the number one spot still 🏆!

So if you love ACTION 🤺, enemies-to-lovers 🥷➕💕, a BADA$S FMC that grows in the BEST of ways, a super smoking HOT 🥵 & POWERFUL 💪🏻 MMC, and basically a freaking AMAZING 🤩 series that I KNOW in my HEART ♥️ will eventually be FREAKING HUGE like some other SUPER BIG TIME Romance Fantasies out there… give this a shot! Start with Book 1, Savage Lands of course! But TRUST ME 🙏🏻, you don’t want to miss out! This is the SERIES for ALL SERIES to BEAT!! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻