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Wednesday, January 8th @ 1PM EST

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Members… this is where you can learn how to sign-up for Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) in our FanGrrrl Romance Recs Facebook groups (for FREE!) Authors, make sure to grab FULL instructions HERE.

The main purpose/mission statement of our Facebook reader groups is to provide a positive, pro-author place where the regular reader can get real & unbiased recommendations. Therefore, it is important that the group wall is primarily recommendations and the voice of readers. However, since we are extremely pro-author, we do allow authors the chance to pick up ARC readers (ARC = Advanced Reader Copy.)

What is an ARC?

An ARC is an Advanced Reader Copy of book (typically eBook,) where the author gives the reader a FREE book in hopes of an early rating/review on Amazon prior to the book releasing.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Amazon requires all reviews to be GENIUNE and cannot be orchestrated, influenced or paid for by authors. Due to this, readers should not use the phrase, “I received this ARC in exchange for a review.” If the reader wishes to disclose the book as an ARC in the review, please make sure to notate that the review is “my honest and genuine opinion.” Amazon will take down reviews if the word “exchange” is used, or any implication that the author influenced or paid for the review in any way. In addition, NO ARCs given via FanGrrrl Romance Recs FB Groups can require a review/rating from a reader. If an author requires a review/rating on their ARC Sign-up form, please contact FanGrrrl Romance Recs.

Wednesday Want Ads

Every Wednesday, the FanGrrrl Romance Recs Facebook Page posts the Wednesday Want Ads post in the morning, Eastern Standard Time (we try for 8AM EST) in each FanGrrrl Romance Recs readers groups where authors can drop their ARC sign-up forms:

FanGrrrl 💋 Romance Recs (Urban Fantasy, Romantasy, & Paranormal Romance!)

FanGrrrl 🖤 Romance Recs After Dark 🔥 (Edgy Contemp Romance & Why Choose!)

The Wednesday Want Ads post is pinned to the Featured section of the group for 24 hours and then after the 24 hour period concludes, comments are closed and it is removed from the Featured section.

Members can grab ARCs from the comments of that post.

ARC Community Chat

Every Wednesday, Founder Rebecca Dixon starts an Facebook Community Chat, “Sign-up for ARCs Here!”, so authors can drop their ARC sign-up forms/requests. In addition to ARC requests, Alpha and Beta reader requests are allowed as well on the chat.

The Facebook Community Chat is created for each group by Rebecca Dixon on Wednesdays around lunchtime (typically 1PM Eastern Standard Time). Earlier in the day, a FanGrrrl Team member may drop in the FanGrrrl Romance Recs Authors Corner stating what time the chat will be for that particular Wednesday and the post is pinned to the Featured section.

Each community chat is only open for 30 mins for authors to drop their ARC requests. After 30 minutes, the chat is paused for 48 hours and then deleted. During the 48 hour time frame, anyone who was invited to the chat can join and scroll through the ARC requests dropped on the chat by authors (authors are the only individuals allowed to comment on the chat other than FanGrrrl team.)

By the end of the 48 hour window, the chat in FanGrrrl 💋 Romance Recs (Urban Fantasy, Romantasy, & Paranormal Romance!) usually hits the capacity limit (around 2000 members.) Admin Rebecca invites Active Members, Conversation Starters, and New Members to the chat. In FanGrrrl 🖤 Romance Recs After Dark 🔥 (Edgy Contemp Romance & Why Choose!), the admin Rebecca invites all members to the chat.

If you would like to OPT out of Community Chats, Rebecca wrote an entire article on how FanGrrrl Romance Recs utilizes Community Chats (admins do not have much control over invites) and how to turn of your notifications HERE.