Members… this is where you can learn what genres of books can be recommended in each of the FanGrrrl Romance Recs Groups (i.e., what books fall under each Group Umbrella!)

In FanGrrrl 💋 Romance Recs (Urban Fantasy, Romantasy, & Paranormal Romance!), books recommended have paranormal, supernatural OR fantasy elements… AND romance. The main three genres typically recommended are Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Romance Fantasy. However, the group umbrella was written in such a way to allow other genres than the main three listed above. Romance in the books rec’d in the group varies, from clean romance to graphic steam. Also, the books range from M/F to why choose & poly love interests. Not only that, the books very from light to super dark (check your triggers!) Due to this, it’s important to be clear on what you are looking for when requesting a rec from the group. If you are unclear about the differences in genres, check out our Explanation of Genres page. There are huge differences when it comes to worldbuilding, modern world, and if romance is the main plotline or subplotline.

In FanGrrrl 🖤 Romance Recs After Dark 🔥 (Edgy Contemp Romance & Why Choose!), the books recommended are for Contemporary Romance books (human-only characters,) where there is spice and are edgy (not your typical Contemporary Romance hallmark type books!)
The “After Dark” in the name of the group means spicy books (not to be confused with “Dark” Contemporary Romance.) The books rec’d in this group are not required to have tons of spice, just that there is spice in the books. The books recommended here are not fade-to-black, clean romance, or closed-door romance. Therefore they have steam, whether it be graphic or non-graphic, a little bit or a ton!
All subgenres of Contemporary Romance are rec’d here from Mafia, Billionaire, Motorcycle Club, Rockstar, Stalker, Dark/Gothic, or Sports Romance! “Edgy” was added in front of Contemporary Romance to portray “cutting edge” books! If you are looking for examples of these types of books, check out our Explanation of Genres page for more info.
Palette Cleansers
Now, we would NEVER want to stop a FanGrrrl from recommending a book in either group that they genuinely love and think the members will love too! For this reason, we allow ALL romance recs (for adults,) as long as the author of the post specifies that the book “does not fall under the group umbrella” or is a “palette cleanser.” This is requested so that the reader picking up the recommendation is aware that they are about to read a book with vampires, for example, when they were expecting humans-only & visa versa.