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Midlife Bounty Hunter by Shannon Mayer

Emoji Review by Rebecca Dixon I read ‘Midlife Bounty Hunter,’ Book 1 of The Forty Proof Series, by Shannon Mayer… and how in the heck did it take me so long to read this 😲?! It’s absolutely FANTASTIC 🤩! (FYI, this is an unbiased, genuine recommendation of a book I loved and there are NO […]

Covet Met by Kel Carpenter & Aurelia Jane

Emoji Review by Rebecca Dixon I read ‘Covet Me’ by Kel Carpenter and Aurelia Jane… and what a GREAT 🤩 Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy Why Choose! (FYI, I’m not affiliated with the author and there are NO spoilers! 🙌🏻) Ok, so first things first 👆🏻! This book is actually a part of the Immortal Vices and […]