
Thank you so much for your interest in being a VIP Influencer at the FanGrrrl Romance Recs Premier Book Signing Event, taking place at Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista – Disney Springs in beautiful Orlando, Florida on September 11 & 12, 2026!
Please know this submission does not guarantee a VIP Influencer Invitation to the September 2026 FanGrrrl Romance Recs Premier Book Signing Event.
All questions below are required for consideration. After submission of this form, an email will be automatically sent with the information submitted and confirming its receipt (please check your spam.) If an invitation is offered, you will be notified via email from events@fangrrrlromancerecs.com. The invitations will include a link to a commitment form for the event. Once committed, an email will be sent with information from the commitment form, as well as the room block at the venue.
After all spots have been filled, we will utilize this interest form as an influencer waitlist.
* Influencers chosen will have one FREE FanGrrrl VIP Attendee Ticket, in exchange for posting content ahead of time, as well as content during the event (more details below)
* Maximum amount of tables = 116
* Maximum amount of attendees = 1,150
* There will be a room block with discounted rate of $179 + Discounted Hotel Fees & Taxes a night, and other hotel perks. Hilton has agreed to honor this rate 3 days before, during the event, and 3 days after the event dates.
* Venue is a Disney Resort with a pedestrian sky bridge to Disney Springs
* VIP Events include: Two-day book signing, Exclusive Cocktail Hour, Authors Panel, Small Sessions (TBD), and Ball/After Party (Theme TBD)
Table Information:
– One 6 ft table in 8 x 10 space will serve as an Influencer “hub” for all VIP Influencers, as the assumption is influencers will not be stationary throughout the book signing
Influencer Social Media Requirements
– There is no minimum requirement pertaining to # of followers, as it’s all about engagement and hype!
– Platforms can be TikTok, Instagram, X, and/or Facebook
Our Expectations If Chosen
– First and foremost, any influencer affiliated with
FanGrrrl Romance Recs Premier Book Signings
must encompass the FanGrrrl brand… friendly, positive book enthusiasts who love to FanGrrrl over authors and books!
– Influencer shall post content at least twice a month leading up to the event (from the time of the commitment), three posts over the days of the event itself, and one final post the week after the event.
– Influencer shall film LIVE during each VIP event (if influencer is not able to film LIVE, they can alternatively create content during the event to post later)
– Content shall include information about the book signing, such as ticket information, event activities, signing authors, information about FanGrrrl Romance Recs & affiliated socials (Facebook Groups, Facebook Page, TikTok, Insta, Website), and overall hype to promote engagement & awareness for the event.
What You Need To Do To Submit Interest
1) After reading the above, answer the questions below and submit this influencer interest form
2) Post a video on your social(s) as to why you are the perfect influencer for the event and also to help promote the event (make sure to use the hashtag #fangrrrl26event). We want you to be you! The video should give us an idea of the type of content that will be posted, if you are selected as a VIP Influencer for the event. We recommend that you tag our applicable social media platform (@fangrrrlromancerecs) on the content, as well as submit the URL to the content on the
VIP Influencer Content Submission Form,
as we don’t want to miss it!
3) Follow us on our socials (Facebook, TikTok, Insta):
Where to Follow FanGrrrl Romance Recs
* If selected, we will email you from:
with more information, including a commitment form for the event! Thank you and we are so excited for your interest to FanGrrrl with us 💗!