We are collecting Author Interest Forms regarding our
2026 FanGrrrl Romance Recs Premier Book Signing Event,
taking place at Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista – Disney Springs in beautiful Orlando, Florida on September 11 & 12, 2026!
We only have a max of 116 tables for our fabulous event! Therefore, Rebecca (our Founder) put together a selection team to evaluate every submission of the Author Interest Form based on the following criteria:
– Primary subgenre written under Romance genre
– Primary tropes under subgenre
– Romantic relationship of characters (M/F, Why Choose/Poly, & LGBTQ)
– Current best seller ranking on Amazon
– Rankings in overall Kindle Store
– Ratings on Amazon & Goodreads
– # of TT / Insta/ FB / X / FB page Followers
– # of FB Group Members & activity in author’s FB group
– Participation & support on FanGrrrl socials
– Emoji reviews written by Rebecca
– Popularity of books on social media, such as BookTok and FB Reader Groups
– Up-and-coming new authors with tons of potential
– Committed author referrals/recommendations
As you can see, there is a lot to factor in when extending invitations and we take it very seriously.
In addition to the above, we have a reading team that is reading a sample of the preferred book submitted by the author on their interest form. Based on the reading teams overall impression, invites are extended or the authors are placed at the top of the priority waitlist.
With our mission to help support authors, our Founder, Rebecca Dixon stated that if the reading team enjoys a book – whether or not an invitation was extended – the team member has permission to post a recommendation anonymously for the book in the respective FanGrrrl Romance Recs Readers group. We are pleased to say that several recommendations have been posted by the reading team for authors who submitted interest for our 2026 event 💗.
Ultimately, it is important to the FanGrrrl Team that we have a variety of subgenres & tropes represented at our Romance Book Signing Event. We also aim to offer a place for debut & up-and-coming authors, as this is something the FanGrrrl Team considers a significant part of our core values for supporting authors.
It is NOT too late to submit interest for our 2026 event, as we do have a waitlist. If you have any questions about the form, you can msg the FanGrrrl Romance Recs handle or email the address listed on the form.

A note from Rebecca:
This is JUST the beginning! We plan to host a FanGrrrl Romance Recs Premier Book Signing Event in Orlando, Florida… annually! So if an author isn’t extended an invitation this time, there is a possibility for a future signing with the way we plan to grow!
Please know though, one of the reasons I put the selection team together is to help create an amazing line-up for this particular event. My voice counts, yes, but so does the voice of the entire team 💜. I am rooting for each and every one of the authors who have submitted interest!